Rights Officers 2019 - 2020
Aims for 2019-2020
We are looking at many ways we can support our schoolto make it even better this year and have come up with some key priorities;
- Class Reps for RR Paretns
- Working with Ealing STARs to maintain our silver status
- Develop another social action project following the building of our school in India
- More support for KS 1 playtimes
- Beat our food bank total from 2018
- More tables and benches in our lunch hall
- Beat our target of £2000 for our fundraising this year
- More aims TBC
What We Did 2018 - 2019
We were elected democratically after writing and then presenting our manifestos to our class. Our peers then voted for us based on what they had heard. We also looked at the American Presidential Elections to learn about how this happens across the world. We have a huge role in the school and take it very seriously.
- Handed over of cheque for £6000 to buld pur school in India
- Help to introduce the new characters that represent our school charter
- Met with the Rights Respecting Parents group to feed back what had been accomplished the previous year and what they hoped to achieve in the coming year.
- Discussed and suggested minor changes to the Lunch policy. They interviewed Mr Bishop and put forward some suggestions.
- Discussed and created a new Anti bullying policy for the school alongside a easy to read flowchart for children to understand if an incident was bullying.
- Confidently presented the new Anti Bullying Policy to Mr Bishop and the whole school.
- Presented the Anti Bullying policy to parents at a Rights Respecting workshop
- Suggested changes to the Playground charter after consulting with our peers
- Helped support teachers during the Summer Fair by providing refreshments
- Met with the assessors from UNICEF
- Demonstrated Rights Respecting behaviour in and around the school
- Attended each meeting with lots of ideas and suggestions
- Met, discussed and placed the diffusion tube for the next project for the new Rights Respecting Officers
- We changed the packed lunch policy consulting with parents, children and staff
- We help raise over £3000 for Build a School during the Summer Fun Day, Cake and Book Sales and many other small events
- We help raise over £2000 for a number of different causes including Genes for Jeans, Cancer Research, Red Nose Day, Children in Need, The Poppy Appeal and many others
- Help design the new gardens for EYFS, Amber and Diamond
- Started the Allenby Express and produced 3 editions
What We Did 2017 - 2018
We were elected democratically after writing and then presenting our manifestos to our class. Our peers then voted for us based on what they had heard. We also looked at the American Presidential Elections to learn about how this happens across the world. We have a huge role in the school and take it very seriously.
- We chose games and toys and set up the new ‘wet play boxes’ for children to play with when it is raining outside and they have to stay in the classroom
- We intervierwed our new Teaching Partner for the Year 6 class
- We went to Dormers Wells Junior School and gave a presentation in a whole school assembly about our journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School. On the same day we also performed a role play to show what dignity is.
- We gave our opinion on the school’s Behaviour Policy.
- We supported the rest of the children with their rights.
- We researched how to enhance our school’s dining experience.
- We helped our school to raise over £1500 for lots of charities including Cancer Research, Red Nose Day, Jeans for Genes Day, Winter Fete, Summer Fair, Children in Need and Build a School.
- They continued to promote the Team CRC scheme and help the younger children during lunch times as well as supporting the dinner ladies with their duties.