Allenby Curriculum
"There are lots of things to do like; play football, do Maths, fun English, RE, free clubs and play instruments."
At Allenby Primary School we follow the National Curriculum and strive to enrich the curriculum wherever possible. Please click the following link to find out more National Curriculum and if you would like to discuss our curriculum please contact the school on 0208 578 6636. Our curriculum is underpinned by our school ethos and values.
Our curriculum is importantly built on our Rights Respecting School Charter and the school values. We created both of these important drivers following consultation with our children, families, governors and staff, co-constructing them to ensure we had a clear and joint vision for our children, long after they leave us here at Allenby. We enrich the National Curriculum with a wide range of trips, practical workshops, visiting speakers, careers days and visits to places of worship.
Our school is a small, caring community, where individuals are valued and achieve confidence through success. Children and adults are encouraged to belong to, learn and develop in an inclusive and positive learning environment. Our actions impact on others – ‘what we do matters’ – so in learning, attitudes, behaviour and aspirations we strive to make a difference for the better. This is based on our core values for character and learning and have been developed in light of our Rights Respecting School Charter;
Allenby School Charter
The Right to Play
The Right to be Safe
The Right to be Heard
The Right to be Educated
Allenby Values
Aim high
Be the change
Choose kindness
Together we can
Believe you can
Step up
Our children are taught in classes, small groups or individually, according to their needs, within the framework of the National Curriculum. A variety of teaching styles are used in school, based on good practice, and teachers continually reflect on their teaching. All teachers take part in action research projects within an area of school need and/or to develop their own pedagogy and that of others.