Therapy at Allenby
At Allenby, high quality teaching and learning is supported by a range of psychological and therapeutic services. Allenby aims to provide the best education possible to children with complex learning needs, including Autism and challenging behaviour.
Parents, carers and pupils are extremely happy with the provision at Allenby. Their feedback tells us that pupils progress well, thrive, and are happy to come to school.
Staff, children and parents/carers also have access to therapists and psychologists. At Allenby this provision is built on a facilitative model i.e. sharing of ideas/strategies to reach the greatest amount of stakeholders. This is built on the understanding that therapists/psychologists work mainly to support/advise staff and parents/carers in developing strategies to support their children. Working in this model enables staff and parents to confidently deliver programmes independently.
At present, the school commissions:
Prompt Therapy
Our speech & Language Therapy team are qualified in the use of PROMPT. (Prompts stands for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)
The technique is a tactile-kinaesthetic approach that uses touch cues to the Jaw, tongue, lips to manually guide a child, through a targeted word, phrase or sentence. The technique develops motor control and the development of proper oral muscular movements, while eliminating unnecessary muscle movements, such as jaw sliding and inadequate lip rounding.
Speech and Language Therapy
The Speech and Language Therapy Service offers a whole school, class and individual model of working in the Specialist Provisions like Allenby. This is based on the understanding that for students to reach their potential it is essential that the environment and all staff within the childrens’s environment have an understanding of communication impairment and how best to facilitate communication so that the student can access learning.
The Speech and Language Therapists can help when the child has difficulties with:
- Understanding what is said to them
- Developing language e.g. learning new words, speaking in sentences
- Speaking clearly
- Having conversations
- Social skills e.g. asking for help, making eye contact
Our Speech and Language Therapy Service aims to work collaboratively with school staff to help students meet their communication potential. This is key as communication is central to students following the school curriculum.
Sensory Therapy Room
Our sensory room gives a sense of control and choice to children by giving them the unique opportunity to explore and interact with the equipment.
The sensory session in sensory room might involve using of wall panel, colour switch, bubble tubes, light curtain, sky projector and interactive carpet.

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Occupational Therapy
Occupation Therapy rooms are created and used specifically by Occupational Therapists and trained staff members in sensory integration techniques.
These spaces contain very specific types of equipment for daily intervention sessions.
Many of the children have challenges with sensory modulation. Regular visits to OT room and the following of their sensory diets will help them either stay calmer, or more alert and in this way being able to focus on their learning targets.
The sensory integration sessions in the OT room might involve using of our trampoline, swing, cocoon, slide, therapy ball or deep pressure activities.