
Services in Ealing
Extended Services—Working with others
There are a variety of services that the school uses to support, advise and further develop and support children and families within school. Our Deputy Headteacher and SENCo, Mrs Simigdala can provide more information about family information Services, social services, SAFE teams and after school clubs.
Ealing Family Information Service (0-19 years)
The Family Information provide information, advice and guidance on:
- Ofsted registered childcare
- Childrens centre
- Childcare Funding
- Education
- Family Support
- Leisure activities
- Additional needs and disability
- Working with Children
- Young People
Ealing Family Information Service is now on Facebook! They’re bursting with all the latest news, tips and events to help you get the most out of life in the borough, so ‘like’, share and get involved. Simply search ‘Ealing Family Information Service’ on Facebook or follow the link below.
They are based at Ealing Council and visitors are welcome to drop in and ask for a memeber of the team, or can be contacted by telephone or email to make an appointment.
Ealing Council
Perceval House
14 - 16 Uxbridge Road
Ealing W5 2HL
Tel: 020 8825 5588
Email: children@ealing.gov.uk
Website: www.childrencentres.org.uk
SAFE Service (0-18 years)
The SAFE Team (Supportive Action for Families in Ealing) is a multi-agency service based on a partnership between Ealing Council, the West London Mental Health Trust, and Ealing Primary Care Trust.The service works with children, young people and their families to try to prevent difficulties from escalating to a point where social services or other specialist agency intervention becomes necessary. Made up of professionals from multiple professional backgrounds, the teams provide early intervention through targeted support and can help point families to a range of services that are available.
The SAFE Team can be contacted on the following numbers:
Acton, Ealing T: 020 8825 7819
Greenford, Northolt, Perivale T: 020 8842 0220
Hanwell, Southall T: 020 8825 9800
The Educational Social Workers are based at Perceval House and support the school in a range of areas including:
- Attendance
- Child protection
- Benefits advice
- Exclusions
The Education Psychology Service
The Schools Psychology Service is based at Carmelita House, Ealing. They advise the school in supporting children with developmental and learning difficulties, emotional or social problems. Children are usually referred through the Head teacher, SENCo, Health Visitors or by parents.
Family Lives
People contact us about all aspects of family life that include all stages of a child’s development, issues with schools and parenting/relationship support. We also respond when life becomes more complicated and provide support around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying at school, teenage risky behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children. We provide a 24 hour helpline, advice website, live chat and parenting/relationship support groups.