Career Development
We are committed to recruiting and retaining the highest quality staff @Allenby at all levels from SMSAs to Senior leadership. We aim to retain you by developing your career:
- Newly or Recently Qualified Teachers or ECTs. An experienced and dedicated teacher mentor will support your development meeting with you weekly and being on hand to support you whenever you need it. Our Deputy Headteacher will oversee your development, helping you to make links within and beyond the school.
- Grow your own is our philosophy and we believe in investing in our staff to develop them so they feel fulfilled and supported. Leadership posts are offered internally to our pool of talented teachers and teaching partners.
- We have a partnership with Hertfordshire University where we support Teaching Partners with Degrees, GCSE in English, Maths and Science on their journey to becoming teachers.
“I joined Allenby as an unqualified teacher having two years’ experience as a teaching partner. Allenby supported me financially and logistically with gaining my QTS and I can’t thank them enough for their support”.
Year 6 Teacher
- Funding in nationally recognised training programmes including NPQs, NPQSL and NPQH to work with other leaders in our network to develop yourself as a leader in our school and beyond. “I have been given the opportunity to complete the NPQML to support my work with my children and to further my professional development”.
SLD Unit Lead
- Supporting academic studying for PHDs, Masters and Doctorates
“I am currently studying for a professional doctorate in education (focusing on inclusion) alongside my teaching commitments… The school provides me with time off to attend six workshops throughout the year and is very much involved in the process …providing me with any additional support that they may be able to do so …I can't think of a higher level of CPD offered by any school”.
SLD Unit Teacher
We have partnerships with Central and West London Maths Hub where our teachers benefit from specialist training and formal networks
“We have opportunities to attend courses that help our Professional Development and will have an impact on the teaching and learning of our children. Specific days are set aside to allow staff to share training they have been on so that the whole school can benefit from new ideas”
Maths Lead and Year 3 Teacher